Thursday, March 29

High School Plays

My niece is in her high school's play which started last night. She is in 2 a year and I try to go to them all.

Since she is a senior this year, (I have no idea how that happened) I felt I had to go last night (since it is free for the immediate family on Wednesday.

It started at 7:00 but I got there at about 7:15. Oops.

It is just Belle and I since J wouldn't go. He is such a party pooper but god forbid someone doesn't go to something of Belle's. But that is another story.

Anyway, we get there and it already started so we try to sneak in quietly so as not to disturb others.

I find a door that is open and we go through. I am in front.

Wow it was soooooo dark that I couldn't see anything in front of me. Even with my new & improved eyesight. I take a few steps and ouch. I twist my ankle on steps that I had no idea were there. So now I take Belle's hand and we are gingerly stepping in front of us so we don't tumble down the stairs. There were probably 6 steps. Why wouldn't they have any little lights on them.

We make it to our seats that were a bit too close. And we watch and we wait.

Where is she?

This goes on until 8:45 and my niece was hardly in it. I knew she didn't have a huge role this time but come on.

We brought her a few really pretty pink roses so we saw her afterward long enough to give her the flowers and for her to see us.

And then we hightailed it out of there to get home. I was missing some good TV after all.

Belle fell asleep on the way home too.

She should be good and crabby today which will really stink since my SIL who is supposed to be watching her got called in to work at one of the schools today (something she does maybe once a week when she isn't supposed to be watching Belle). So my SIL dropped her off at another family friend's house. I am not liking this arrangement but I had to go to work and didn't have much choice in it (again another story for another time).

Is it time to go home yet? I want this day to be over. I am tired and just a tad freaked out (even though I know I shouldn't be).

Friday, March 23


I was wracking my brain yesterday to try to remember what it was that I wanted to blog about. I knew I had an idea. I even thought at the time I have to remember this because this is something that needs to be documented. But I couldn't remember to save my life.

Then last night at Belle's dance class another mom said something that turned on my light bulb.

We were driving the other day (Belle and I) and she says to me, "The cow's private parts feel funny. I don't like it."

Me giggling I try to say something but it comes out all mumbled.

She then proceeds to tell me that it is rough but the part above it is soft.

I am trying so hard not to out right laugh. I am after all trying to encourage her to tell me anything and everything.

I had to ask her which part was the cows private part and she told me it was the part where the milk comes out.

So I tried to explain that it wasn't really their private parts. That it is a little different because it was a milking cow and that is how we get our milk. But technically that isn't true.
Anyway, she said she is NOT milking a cow again.

Of course in my head I am saying, "You just remember that feeling until you are much, much, much older"

Wednesday, March 21


Belle has been learning about dinosaurs this week in school.

I asked her what they learned. She tells me that they are dead now because it got too cold and then too hot.


And the rest of the conversation went like this:

Me-Were people there with the dinosaurs?


Me-Do you think dinosaurs are interesting?


Me-Do you know what interesting means?


Me-Do you want to learn more about dinosaurs?


Me-What do you like to learn about?


Me-Do you know dinosaurs were animals?

Belle-Yes, but I want to learn about cows, pigs, horses, and sheep. Will you pretend to be a cow or a sheep or a pig and I can ride around on your back?

Me-How do you ride around on a pig?

Belle-We just pretend. Can we?

Me-Maybe on a day I stay home with you.


Oh boy. I guess I will be oinking and mooing a lot this weekend.

Monday, March 19

It Shouldn't Be This Hard

It is getting worse before it is getting better.

I don't know what to do.

It is sad that I am crying in the shower this morning because of the stress.

I am praying for an uneventful day.

I wish I could go into details but I am afraid the wrong people may see it.

I just needed to let a little emotion out before the day really got started.

Thursday, March 15

Who Knew She Would Get It

There have been things I have encountered as Belle has been growing up that I never thought kids had to learn.

I was so surprised that one day in her dance class that the girls did not know how to skip. They had to be taught.

But all kids skip. They just know how to do it.

When you think about it skipping is a little complex. It isn't like running that comes naturally from walking...

So imagine my surprise that kids need to learn to get a sense of humor.

But they are already funny.

They think we are hilarious. (most of the time)

When I had her teacher conference for pre-school they mentioned that she is a great girl with a great personality and is really getting it when you tell her jokes.

I have been thinking about that. I hadn't really noticed a difference because I have always joked with her. Partially to be silly but also partially to get her to think for herself.

For example we would always joke about worms. I would say gross and I'm not touching those and things of that nature. She would just laugh at me and try to convince me that they just tickle in your hand.

While we were on our road trip we were looking at fish in an aquarium.

I said, "Look that one looks gold. Or silver. Maybe it is silver and gold"

She sings, "Silver and gold, Silver and gold"

And I start cracking up.

I ask her if she remembers what that was from.

Her response with a bit of please mom of course I know, "Rudolph"

I grab her and hug her and go on and on about how she got it.

We were both laughing so hard people were looking at us but I didn't care. I will never see those people again anyway.

Wednesday, March 14


The weather here yesterday was very warm. 74 degrees to be exact-ish.

Let's just say that is very unusual for us in March.

It was sunny and warm and wonderful.

Belle had a field trip to a farm that daddy and I went on.

So we spent the morning there which was a perfect day for it. Belle even tried to milk a cow which was surprising. She sometimes will shy away from things she is unsure of so I was very proud of her for being brave and touching it.

We then took her out to lunch. Her and I got pancakes while J got lunch type food. We had a great time all around.

When we were home we cleaned up the yard (from the dog frequenting it all winter-yuck) and she was able to play on her swing set for a while.

Belle and I went for a short walk as it was getting late but the child cannot walk next to you. Anywhere. She kept running in front of me or just generally walking in front of me. I told her that I didn't want to walk with her if she wasn't going to walk next to me. And her response was,
"But mom, I am the leader."

So there it is. Finally. The real reason she treats us like her peeps. She is the leader. And some days that is probably and sadly true.

We also tye-dyed some socks pink. She was so excited to have on rubber gloves and get to stir the socks in the plastic container in the sink.

All in all it was a great day (being away from work made it that much sweeter)!

Monday, March 12

Road Trip

We took a road trip over the weekend to a Bass Pro Shop store. Which for my husband meant many hours of shopping for fishing items which is what he loves.

For Belle and I it meant many hours of shopping in the mall.

This is the first year she got to walk on her own and I must say she did really well. She has a tendency to try to wander off to look at something or to walk in front of me as if I were her entourage.

Before we left she thought of bringing her small baby doll stroller so that she could push it in the mall. I had told her we would see but in my head I was thinking this is a great bargaining source as well as keeping her by me with something to do. My husband on the other hand was totally against it. He kept saying what a bad idea it was.

But we brought it and on Saturday she got to push it to her hearts delight. We only had a couple of instances where she got out of control with it. And once where she bumped into a man with it and didn't say anything to him. When I asked her why she didn't tell him she was sorry she said because he was a stranger. I can't argue with that theory.

I bought myself a pair of boring shoes but they are pink which made them cute in my book. I bought some clothes for Belle and she bought all sorts of stuff at the Sanri* (Hello Kit*y) store. I even snuck in a few things from there to put in her Easter basket. The funny thing is she bought a travel size toothbrush to use in the hotel. But we had left it in the car so she didn't get to use it. She also bought a cute pink lipstick. When we got home we were looking through all of her stuff and we opened the toothbrush and lipstick. As I was looking at the toothbrush with scrunched eyebrows trying to figure it out she tells me that the lipstick doesn't work too good. As I figure out the toothbrush I take a look at the lipstick. Perhaps if I had read the label I would have found out that they were both erasers. Needless to say we were cracking up.

Anyway I am supposed to be off of work all week but I am not going to waste all of the time if we are not doing anything. I am going in for about part of the time. The rest I am still taking off to try to keep my sanity and take a break from that grind.

The weekend was fun but of course too fast.

Monday, March 5


What does it mean to be harassed?

I would really like to know.

I would like to know how someone else can't see that they are harrassing you.

But what do you do?

There isn't much to be done since there is no backup.

It isn't sexual.

It is just harrassing.

Thursday, March 1

Oh Yeah - Cold Update

Thanks for my well wishes. I am still sick but not really feeling bad. But for the past few days I have laryngitis. It is fun trying to answer the phone with no voice.

Pre-School Parent Conferences

Dum Dum Dum (sounds ominous)

It was time to find out exactly how Belle was doing in school. I have had my concerns for her school performance.

She is very smart. But doesn't like to take the time to get things right. Gets easily frustrated and gives up.

Socially I think she does just fine. She likes other kids and likes to play. My concerns here is she will be one of the mean popular girls. But she tells me about her squabbles at school and I tried to guide her the best I can to be able to stand up for herself in a manner that will earn her respect and like ability. Something I am not sure I was able to pull off myself in school. And she will try what I suggest which is saying a lot.

First her teacher sent home a copy of the review format they used:

Social Skills: Good (She gets a check mark for all of the items listed here as she is able to do them and does them without direction)
-participates during circle time
-listens when others talk
-shares materials and takes turns
-cooperative in group activities
-plays with two or more children
-has good self confidence
-listens and follows multi-step directions

Reading Readiness: Good (again gets check marks for all items)
-can print own name
-enjoys stories
-uses sentences when speaking (on this she got a usually which means sometimes she opts to try to give a short answer instead of using a full sentence)
-contributes ideas
-recites alphabet
-recognizes letters
-can relate to own words and drawings

Math Readiness: (again gets check marks for all items)
-can count up to 28
-recognizes 1-10 (sometimes confuses 6 & 8 but can recite to 20)
-matches numerals with objects
-understands patterns (nice)

Others: (Nice Job!) (again gets check marks for all items)
-body parts
-enjoys art projects
-holds scissors properly
-can cut on lines
-holds crayons and pencil properly
-small muscle coordination (painting, puzzles, drawing)
-large muscle coordination (hopping, skipping, jumping)
-My favorite thing to do in preschool is play with the babies. (this was her reply to the question)

Then her teacher wrote this about her:
Belle is a sweet young lady with a great personality. She has grown up quite a bit even since September. She seems more sure of herself and is more independent. Her listening skills, comprehension skills and language skills are all developing nicely.

Belle is friendly and helpful. She enjoys playing with a nice group of friends - especially with the kitchen area and the dolls. They enjoy pretending.

Continue working with her and reading to her. Ask questions-have her tell the story back to you or tell you what happened in a short TV show.

Expose her to groups of children with summer activities. Keep her busy-she'll continue to grow. I am sure she will have a great year next year.

Thanks for sharing her with us-we've enjoyed having her in class.

They also included a picture she drew of herself back in September which was basically a head with arms and legs coming out of it. Then another picture of herself done at the end of January. What a difference. She now has a body and all around a better head, hair, arms, legs, and all.
Plus she had to draw things she likes to see. She drew a princess which I personally think she did great on. As well as grapes, blueberries and a carrot. All of which looked like they were supposed to. Maybe I have a budding artist on my hands. When we went for her kindergarten assessment/registration she had to draw something she likes and she drew a lady bug. And they knew just what it was because you could tell.

My little girl is all I hoped she would be. I just knew she was brilliant. Plus her teacher said she does not get frustrated at school and they can tell that she sits herself down and really tries her hardest. Maybe she is hearing me say that is all that matters.

She is growing up so fast........


My Belle is a bit petite I guess you could say. She is just now getting big enough to fit into a booster seat at the ripe old age of 5.

We have had our eye on a particular model.

I liked it because it got great reviews for safety and comfort and she liked it because it had the princesses on it.

So I have been trying to find it so that I can purchase this seat.






I decided I was going to call the manufacturor (Graco) and see what they can tell me.


I asked if any stores may still have them and he said possibly but he doubts it since it was very popular. Since it was so popular I asked if they would be coming back out with it.

And his answer

That is up to Di&ney not us.

Double UGH>>

Back to the drawing board.