Wednesday, May 28

Wart Be Gone

Belle has had a wart on her big toe for probably about a year.

We tried everything.

We tried over the counter band aids that had the medicine in them.

We tried over the counter liquid.

We tried the doctor who in turn tried to freeze it.

Nothing worked.

There was one point where it seemed we got it but it just got bigger.

I was really starting to worry that her toe was going to be permanently deformed since she had this big bump on the side of her big toe.

So at the end of March I decided we were going to try again with over the counter products. We bought new brands and had medicated discs that you cover with the special round band aids that come with it plus we bought a different brand of liquid.

Daily after her bath we would file it and try to pull off what we could. It took about six weeks and layers upon layers of warts came out.

It was gross. It was painful both physically and emotionally.

I know she will remember this experience for the rest of her life.

During the process we both kept saying we will be so happy once it is finally gone. She really wanted it gone before vacation so she wouldn't feel self conscious wearing flip flops and sandals.

We both said we would celebrate.

And then Belle came up with the idea of having a Wart Gone Party. She designed how she wanted her cake to look and it went downhill from there.

We ended up having her Wart Be Gone party this past Sunday. It also turned into a bit of a cook out. I wanted to invite some of our friends but Belle was upset that I told her little friend from soccer about it because she didn't want anyone outside of the family to know about her wart.

I made her this cake:

She wanted it to be in grass so I added green food color to coconut and spread it around the foot. If you look closely you will see the wart on the big toe.

She decided that her Uncle would have to eat the wart because he is not afraid of anything. It became his honor to do it.

In the end she was glad her friend from soccer was there and I should have just gone ahead and invited our friends over but we had a perfect weather day and the party was a success. Belle even got gifts from her one aunt who brought her 2 pairs of flip flops, 2 bottles of nail polish, a toe ring, a toad (frog) web*kinz all packaged in a toad (frog) gift bag. We of course had already painted her toes so she would have pretty feet.

I hope this was the first and last wart be gone party we will have to have. :-)

Wednesday, May 21

Say It Isn't So

I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. How does that happen. I guess I know how it happens since I have been living the crazy life but still...

So what has been happening lately:

1) We went to Disn*y for a week. I was driving myself nuts trying to get everything ready for our trip. We left on May 3rd. It was a great trip. I loved every minute of it. I could go back tomorrow. Belle of course loved it and like me was very sad to leave. We got home around 9:30pm on May 10th. My sister also went with us and left her husband at home since he just started a new job.

2) At about 9:31pm at my house my brother-in-law is there to take my sister home and informs us that my grandfather passed away while we were gone. Pretty much as soon as we landed in Florida he had passed away. We collectively had made a decision before we left to not tell us while we are gone if something were to happen. Thankfully they held the funeral until May 11th and 12th. So Sunday that was supposed to be our day of relaxation before heading back to school and work was spent at the funeral home. I went ahead and sent Belle to school on Monday while we went to the actual funeral. Now we are trying to go through the house and see if we want anything and then deal with selling the rest including the house. Not fun at all.

3) Because of everything above I didn't go back to work until May 15th and I still feel like I have no idea what is going on. I hate that.

4) Thank goodness this is a long weekend. I keep feeling like I am not on my game. I just keep feeling a few steps behind. I don't know what that is all about.

5) I am planning Belle's "wart be gone" party that she has wanted to do for the longest time. She had a pretty bad wart on her big toe for probably a year. During that time we had tried everything to get rid of it. The doctor even tried to freeze it off. Before our trip we finally finally removed all remnants of the wart and it was a painful experience both physically and emotionally for her and I.

I think that is finally it. It feels like there is more but that is all I can think of.