Thursday, June 9

Prayers Answered

Did you ever pray for something and either feel like your prayers were answered or ignored?

There are so many things I pray for on a daily basis.  From general things like, "please God, keep me and my family healthy" to specific things like, "please God, let the air conditioning be working today".

Of course there is always the, "please God, let me win enough money on the lottery to not have to work".

But for every please God request I always send up a "thank you God for always answering my prayers and taking care of me". 

While he hasn't granted the lottery request, he does seem to answer all of my other prayers.  Not always exactly when I want them to happen such as the prayer for my sister to get pregnant. 

But they are always answered in God's time.

1 comment:

Heather said...

My DH did really like it when I told him that I started including him in my nightly prayers when we were dating. I'm glad I felt comfortable enough to tell him that.