Thursday, March 1

Pre-School Parent Conferences

Dum Dum Dum (sounds ominous)

It was time to find out exactly how Belle was doing in school. I have had my concerns for her school performance.

She is very smart. But doesn't like to take the time to get things right. Gets easily frustrated and gives up.

Socially I think she does just fine. She likes other kids and likes to play. My concerns here is she will be one of the mean popular girls. But she tells me about her squabbles at school and I tried to guide her the best I can to be able to stand up for herself in a manner that will earn her respect and like ability. Something I am not sure I was able to pull off myself in school. And she will try what I suggest which is saying a lot.

First her teacher sent home a copy of the review format they used:

Social Skills: Good (She gets a check mark for all of the items listed here as she is able to do them and does them without direction)
-participates during circle time
-listens when others talk
-shares materials and takes turns
-cooperative in group activities
-plays with two or more children
-has good self confidence
-listens and follows multi-step directions

Reading Readiness: Good (again gets check marks for all items)
-can print own name
-enjoys stories
-uses sentences when speaking (on this she got a usually which means sometimes she opts to try to give a short answer instead of using a full sentence)
-contributes ideas
-recites alphabet
-recognizes letters
-can relate to own words and drawings

Math Readiness: (again gets check marks for all items)
-can count up to 28
-recognizes 1-10 (sometimes confuses 6 & 8 but can recite to 20)
-matches numerals with objects
-understands patterns (nice)

Others: (Nice Job!) (again gets check marks for all items)
-body parts
-enjoys art projects
-holds scissors properly
-can cut on lines
-holds crayons and pencil properly
-small muscle coordination (painting, puzzles, drawing)
-large muscle coordination (hopping, skipping, jumping)
-My favorite thing to do in preschool is play with the babies. (this was her reply to the question)

Then her teacher wrote this about her:
Belle is a sweet young lady with a great personality. She has grown up quite a bit even since September. She seems more sure of herself and is more independent. Her listening skills, comprehension skills and language skills are all developing nicely.

Belle is friendly and helpful. She enjoys playing with a nice group of friends - especially with the kitchen area and the dolls. They enjoy pretending.

Continue working with her and reading to her. Ask questions-have her tell the story back to you or tell you what happened in a short TV show.

Expose her to groups of children with summer activities. Keep her busy-she'll continue to grow. I am sure she will have a great year next year.

Thanks for sharing her with us-we've enjoyed having her in class.

They also included a picture she drew of herself back in September which was basically a head with arms and legs coming out of it. Then another picture of herself done at the end of January. What a difference. She now has a body and all around a better head, hair, arms, legs, and all.
Plus she had to draw things she likes to see. She drew a princess which I personally think she did great on. As well as grapes, blueberries and a carrot. All of which looked like they were supposed to. Maybe I have a budding artist on my hands. When we went for her kindergarten assessment/registration she had to draw something she likes and she drew a lady bug. And they knew just what it was because you could tell.

My little girl is all I hoped she would be. I just knew she was brilliant. Plus her teacher said she does not get frustrated at school and they can tell that she sits herself down and really tries her hardest. Maybe she is hearing me say that is all that matters.

She is growing up so fast........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that they wrote "Thank you for sharing her with us."
What a great line!

Yay Belle! You'll be a FANTASTIC young lady!